with Crystal Kuykendall
Original Forum date: Apr 16, 1998
About Crystal Kuykendall
Crystal Kuykendall is a human relations and education expert who has gained national recognition for her efforts to promote problem-resolution. The president of Kreative and Innovative Resources for Kids, she produces audio and video tapes, publications, workbooks, and learning tools for educators, counselors, administrators, and parents. She is a former teacher and guidance counselor for minority undergraduates and potential high school dropouts, and she was executive director of the National Alliance of Black School Educators. She is the author of two books, Improving Black Student Achievement through Enhancing Self-Image and From Rage to Hope: Strategies for Reclaiming Black and Hispanic Students. A recipient of numerous awards and citations, she has been a consultant to city and school officials and to civic, community, and parent groups in more than 40 states.